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The Special Operations Flotilla: The Dorset Boy Book 2 Page 10
The Special Operations Flotilla: The Dorset Boy Book 2 Read online
Page 10
“Welcome to our storehouse” Gascon said with a bow. “Come we have prepared a place for you to stay”
“What was this place?” asked Wilson
“It was a cave, but we have expanded it over the years” Gascon replied.
They followed him past a pile of goods and there was what could only be described as a cosy nest hollowed out of the crates with cots set up for them to sleep on and rugs on the floor. Lanthorns provided light.
“We will come and get you when your boat arrives and it is safe to board” Gascon said and them left them.
“ Well this is nice” said Linnet in perfect English surprising them as she had never used it before.
“A perfect home from home” said Wilson
They settled in and blew out all the lanterns except one and went to sleep.
Marty’s body clock woke him and when he checked his watch he saw it was half past six in the morning. He had slept for four hours which was enough. The rest slept on so he laid back down and thought about what they had been through so far and realised that they had been really lucky. But, he thought, you make your own luck.
He must have dozed off as the next thing he knew was being shaken awake by Roland and offered breakfast and a coffee which had been made by heating a pot over the burner of an oil lantern that had the glass removed. Ingenious!
They waited for what seemed ages but was only a matter of a few hours until Gascon returned and told them it was time to go. They expected to go back up to the Mausoleum but they were taken in the opposite direction and into a large tunnel. The floor stayed level for some time and then angled up until they reached a cavern which had a large wooden ceiling. Gascon reached above his head and knocked on the wood. There was an answering bang and Gascon moved them back down the tunnel a short way and extinguished the lantern. The ceiling pivoted down from the far end so that it formed a ramp when it touched the floor. They could see figures above and one called out a greeting to Gascon. He replied as he led them up into a boat shed. Once they were out a team of men started taking crates down into the tunnel.
“They will be back with your cargo” Gascon explained. “There is no point in wasting the chance to ship some goods. No?”
Marty laughed and said “You guys never miss a chance to make a Franc or two do you”
Chapter 11 A Question of Honour
Marty and Armand sat in the office at The Farm and had been going over what had happened in Amiens. Then Marty asked,
“What happened with the fishing boat you went to look for?”
“Ha, that was funny”, Armand replied and Marty noticed that his pronunciation was getting better “We came upon a cutter smaller than ours with the fishing boat in tow. So we showed our number and the identification signal and pulled up alongside. I went across and the Lieutenant in charge, a Mister Crosby, wouldn’t believe I was an officer of the British Navy and arrested me. He was even going to put me with the Deal boys in the cable locker” they both laughed at that.
“Well at the sight of me being held at gunpoint our men ran out the guns and threatened to blow him out of the water. He went red in the face and started shouting about the bloody French wouldn’t take ‘is ship when his master took him to one side and said something to him. When he came back he asked me to prove I was a British officer so I pulled out my commission and the letter of protection and waved them under ‘is nose.”
“You mean these scoundrels are working on behalf of his Majesties Government?” he cried, “whatever is the world coming to!”
“I then asked him to release all of the men and as they came up I saw that the passenger from our first trip was amongst them. He told me that he needed to get to London as fast as possible so we took ‘im on the Snipe and sailed direct to London.”
“Your first time up the Thames?” asked Marty
“Oui. It is very tricky even in a small boat like a Cutter, I would not like to ‘av to take the Alouette up it” Armand replied with a wry grin.
“Any idea what was so urgent that our friend had to get back so fast?” Marty asked
“Non, he said nothing. But whatever it was he was very worried about something”
The next week or so went by in a routine sort of way. It was almost Christmas so Marty planned to visit the De Marchez’s and then go to Dorset to visit his family as the weather wasn’t suitable for sailing. So he left two weeks before Christmas, hired a coach to take him to Canterbury and then got the Post to London.
He arrived at the De Marchez house in a Hansom Cab. When he knocked on the impressive front door he was immediately let in and taken to greet the family in the drawing room. The first thing he noticed was that Evelyn was absent, but he decided not to ask where she was. They were pleased to see him as usual and wanted to hear of his latest adventures. He had to be circumspect as officially most of what he had done came under the heading of clandestine, but he could talk about the cutting out of the Alouette. He was just finishing the tale when he heard the front door open and close and footsteps approach the door.
It opened and in walked Evelyn looking radiant from the blush that the cold air outside had brought to her skin. She saw Marty and her mouth opened in a silent ‘Oh’. Then a second figure came through the door and Marty understood. He was tall fair haired, handsome and dressed in the uniform of the Life Guards.
Evelyn gathered herself and said “Marty! What an unexpected surprise! Arthur you must meet Marty, you remember I told you about him.
Arthur stepped forward and held out his hand “Arthur Simmonds, Ensign, Life Guards, pleased to meet you”
Marty resisted the temptation to be rude and said, “Martin Stockley Midshipman. Royal Navy, delighted” and shook his hand, firmly.
The two were similar in age and although Marty was shorter he more than made up for that with his broad shoulders and powerful upper body developed by the years of climbing rigging and hauling on guns.
“Evelyn has told me about you and how you rescued the family from Toulon. I must say I am most jealous. I haven’t had a chance to see action yet as I’ve only been in the Guards for four months.”
That made Marty feel much better, as compared to Arthur he was a veteran.
The Count stepped in, “We are all attending a ball thrown by the Duchess of Devonshire tomorrow evening and I am sure she would be pleased if you would join us. I will write her a note this afternoon.”
Before Marty could respond Evelyn said “Oh my, we must get you some new clothes. You must look your best for that. All of London will be there!”
The Count laughed and said “I am sure Martin will look perfectly well in uniform” and then to Marty “You did bring your dress uniform didn’t you?”
Marty assured him he had.
The next evening saw him suited and booted in his best uniform. He wore his hanger and dirk and left his Bowie Knife and Nock pistols in his room. He did however slip a small ‘barker’ pocket pistol into his coat pocket as an insurance against footpads.
The whole family, less their young son who wasn’t old enough to attend, got into the family carriage and proceeded to Devonshire house.
It was huge and there was a queue of carriages waiting in line to unload their prestigious guests. They reached the front and disembarked. Marty was about to offer Evelyn his arm when he saw Arthur approaching and Evelyn’s face light up in a smile as she saw him. Ruefully he silently admitted to himself that any ideas he had about a romance in that direction were history now.
They entered through the grand foyer and were announced. Marty was presented to the Duke and Duchess and followed the Count through the room. They stopped frequently and he was introduced to a number of titled and very distinguished people. Then he came upon Admiral Hood.
“Martin my boy!” he said in a voice that could have been heard at the top of the mainmast of the Victory. “What a pleasant surprise!”
Not bloody likely thought Marty. I bet the old fox knew exactly where I was, but he smil
ed and bowed to the Admiral and said “A flying visit to see the De Marchet family before heading down to Dorset Sir”.
“Splendid, splendid! We must have a talk before you leave” he said with a smile. He then leaned in conspiratorially and said in a low voice “I see the Contessa is accounted for. But rather than try and repel boarders I would look for another to cut out if I were you. It is, after all, a target rich environment” he winked at Marty and shooed him away. “Now run along and enjoy your evening.”
Marty wandered through the crowd sipping a glass of white wine when Arthur found him and asked him to join a group that he and Evelyn were with. Seeing nothing better to do Marty agreed and followed along.
The group was predominantly made up of young ladies some of whom had their beaus with them and others that were, seemingly, single. To be honest Marty found the talk rather tedious as it concerned scandal about people who he had never heard of, or fashion which he knew nothing about either.
Then a rich, slightly husky voice said in his ear “you don’t look like you’re having much fun.”
He looked around to see a beautiful face framed in auburn curls who’s green eyes were looking boldly in to his. He turned and took a half step back so he could see her better. She was about three inches shorter than him and dressed in a fashionable low cut dress that showed off her slim waist and emphasised her breasts. He estimated she was older than him by around 4 years.
Evelyn stepped up beside him and said in a tight voice “Hello Lady Caroline, I didn’t know you were attending the ball this evening”
“Why Contessa Evelyn” the woman said with a beautiful smile “it is so nice to see you!” Then she turned her eyes on Marty and said “aren’t you going to introduce me to your handsome friend?”
Marty didn’t see Evelyn tense nor did he hear the terse note in her voice as she replied “Lady Catherine, may I introduce Midshipman Martin Stockley, a valued friend of my family”
“Not the heroic young man that rescued you from Toulon?” Catherine said and then focussing totally on Marty she said “I would be fascinated to hear your telling of the story. We have heard so much about you” and with that she hooked her arm through his and led him away. Marty just heard Evelyn say “Well really!” in French as they moved into the crowd.
He was acutely aware of her body as they moved through the crowd to the buffet. She moved with an effortless grace and seemed glued to his side. She released him once they were in front of the buffet table and started helping herself to morsels from the vast array of dishes. “You must try the taurine of grouse with aspic” she said “it’s absolutely delightful” He grinned at her and started filling a plate. “Which ship are you on?” she asked
“The Lark, Navy Cutter” he replied giving the agreed cover story. “We are based out of Deal and run messages to the channel fleet when we aren’t training new men’.
“Sounds fascinating” she said with a look that said it was anything but. “I saw you talking with Admiral Lord Hood. You seem to very well connected for one who ‘runs messages’” and before he could respond she leaned towards him, incidentally offering him a wonderful view of her cleavage, “No matter I am sure you have your secrets”.
She smiled that devastating smile again and prompted him to tell the tale of Toulon. He was just getting to the part about going back for the Count’s bag of valuables when an obviously inebriated man approached.
“Caroline ,I have been looking everywhere for you.” he looked down his nose at Marty “what are you doing with this . . . . sailor” he said. “Come let’s go and dance” and he reached for her arm.
Lady Caroline looked at him with a look like she just trod on a dog turd and moved her arm away from him.
“Rufus” she said “I told you I wouldn’t be accompanying you tonight, or in fact every again”
“You didn’t mean it though did you?” he said with despair then angrily “You are mine!”
“I am no one’s” she spat hotly “especially not yours.”
Marty stepped between them and said to the man
“I don’t think either of you want to cause a scene here in front of all these people.” He leaned in so he was face to face with Rufus and said “So why don’t you go away, sober up and leave my lady in peace”
“YOUR LADY?” Rufus practically shouted drawing the attention of everyone within earshot
“YOUR LADY! I will kill you for that you Navy scum”
and with that he slapped Marty across the face.
“I will have satisfaction!” he cried “my seconds will attend you directly”
With that he turned and stalked off before Marty had a chance to react.
“Oh dear” Caroline said grasping Marty’s arm “I am so sorry. I had no idea that fool would do that”
Then Arthur turned up looking concerned
“Marty, is it true? Are you to dual Rufus Arbuthnot?”
Marty looked slightly bemused and said
“Well bad news travels fast doesn’t it. Yes it would appear so. The man struck me for no reason!”
Caroline looked abashed at that and said,
“I am afraid it’s my fault. I should have known that fool would strike out at anyone I was with after I pushed him away, and Martin was just trying to prevent a scene.”
Arthur frowned at her and looked like he wanted to say something but thought better of it and instead said to Marty.
“I will act as your second with one of my brother officers. I will go and talk to Arbuthnot and try and get him to see sense” He walked off in the direction of the group.
Caroline laid her hand on Marty’s arm and said
“Martin you must not fight him. He is an accomplished duellist and has killed at least three men.”
Marty looked at her wondering how he had got onto this mess by just being nice to someone but said,
“Well I’ve killed more than that so we shall have to see won’t we”.
Caroline looked surprised and he was about to say something else but changed the subject instead and asked her to dance.
The next morning Marty had just finished his breakfast and was talking with the Count about what had happened. The Count was rather ambivalent about the whole thing as duelling was common in France and was giving some unnecessary advice when they heard a knock on the front door and someone enter. He looked up just as Arthur and another young officer walked in.
Arthur looked concerned and said,
“we tried to talk sense to the man but he will not listen and so the duel is scheduled for dawn tomorrow morning on the heath at Hampstead”
Arthur then introduced the second officer as Wilson Spears, a fellow Ensign in the Life Guards.
“As the challenged you can choose the weapons” Wilson explained “Arbuthnot is known to be an expert shot and a more than fair swordsman”.
“Can I specify the type of weapon rather than just sword or pistol?” Marty asked
“Yes you can” Arthur answered
“Then I choose Hangers with a main gauche” Marty stated. “and the main gauche will be a bowie knife. I have one you can use as an example.” And he produced the blade from its sheath in the small of his back.
The door burst open.
“YOU CANNOT DO THIS!” shouted Evelyn “That woman is infamous. She married an older man and since he died she has had one lover after another! She isn’t worth dying over!”
“Well you obviously think about as much of my fighting skills as you do her” Marty retorted offended.
“It’s not about your skill” she said calming down and heaving a big sigh “It’s about the cause. She isn’t worth it.”
“Oh! Well don’t worry ,it’s not just about her” he said and smiled at the bemused look on her face “that idiot hit me in public and whether she was there or not I can’t let that go”
Evelyn looked at Marty and then at Arthur and her father who were all nodding in agreement.
“MEN!” she declared
then spun and left the room.
The four of them looked at each other and then Arthur said.
“Women will never understand us and our code of honour” the rest of them nodded sagely.
The next morning Marty was up before dawn and dressed in a white silk shirt and tight fitting but flexible riding breaches. He wore hessian boots that were soft and supple and had ridged leather soles designed to be non-slip on a wet wooden deck. His long hair was tied back in a ponytail with a black ribbon and to finish it off he wore black, fine calfskin gloves. If he had looked at himself in a mirror he would have seen a handsome young man, well-muscled and proportioned, carrying a couple of scars from previous encounters and a confidence that belied his age.
Arthur and Wilson arrived on time and the three of them donned heavy cloaks and boarded one of the De Marchet’s carriages, that took them through the lamp lit, slightly misty streets to Hampstead Heath. They arrived at the location to find another two carriages already there. Out of one stepped Rufus and his seconds and out of the other a man who Arthur identified as a surgeon with another who was the Master of Ceremonies.
Arthur and Wilson went to talk to Rufus’s seconds. After a short exchange they returned and told Marty
“He won’t listen to reason, the duel has to be fought”.
Marty looked around and noticed two other carriages parked at the edge of the grassy area. Who, he wondered wryly, would get up this early to watch a fight between two idiots with more honour than sense.
Arthur led him to where a table had been set up and he saw that there were two identical sets of weapons. A hunting hanger and a long dagger. He had wanted Bowie knives but they couldn’t find two identical ones at short notice. He examined them and decided these would do. They had nine to ten inch blades that were sharp on both sides, a brass cross guard and wooden handles wrapped in shagreen for better grip.